# VT132

# Overview
I first tweeted about the VT132 in March 2019 I had put together a first prototype in time for mVCF - Melbourne (AUS)
Back then it was simply the hardware implementation of the brilliant work done by Fabrizio Di Vittorio in creating the FabGL library for the ESP32. An ANSI/VT compatible, serially connected terminal with VGA output and a PS/2 keyboard.
But I wanted to extend his work and make a very authentic implementation of the DEC VT100 down to every reasonable detail.
Clearly from the prototype I'd already chosen the initial form-factor to be a "Designed for RC2014" expansion card for the RC2014 bus.
I then took a break from the VT132 while I worked to finish another little project - the IMSAI 8080 replica
In January 2020 I again tweeted about the VT132 because I'd started to play around with it once more.
I'd added most of the authentic VT100 features I could think of, and decided that since the ESP32 has lots of UARTS and WiFi, that I would include a Telnet over WiFi, 'AT' (Hayes) style modem on a second UART. I'd already developed the modem code for the IMSAI8080 replica, so it was easy to integrate it into the VT132.
This is where the fun/trouble began...
- FabGL is an Arduino library. Running FabGL @ 800x600 native resolution (800x300 scanline doubled) consumes a lot of the ESP32s internal memory.
- Turning on WiFi in the Arduino environment on an ESP32 also consumes a lot of the ESP32s internal memory.
- Moving to the ESP32-WROVER with 8Mb of SPRAM helps a little, but it's still the internal memory that is the limiting resource.
- The Arduino IDE for ESP32 doesn't let you control and fine-tune all the memory and network resource allocation like the ESP-IDF does.
- But Espressif thought of that...
- It is possible to run the Arduino library as a component in the ESP-IDF environment.
- I was easily able to make FabGL behave as an ESP-IDF component too.
By April 2020 I was able to start posting videos to YouTube showcasing the features of the VT132.
In June & July 2020 I conducted a closed Beta program with some fantastic people from the Retro-computer community. Their contribution to improving the VT132 and accelerating the development, ready for production has been invaluable.
# Editions
# VT132 Designed for RC2104 edition

# (White PCB)
In July 2020 the VT132 Designed for RC2014 edition began shipping to the patiently waiting early-adopters.
# VT132 Stand Alone edition

# (Black PCB)
Since its first release there has been regular feedback that a stand alone version of the VT132 would be warranted, to work with systems other than the RC2014.
In October 2020 the VT132 Stand Alone edition was released.
The two editions are functionally equivalent when it comes to the features of the VT100 terminal and the Telnet/WiFi 'AT' (Hayes) Modem
Where they differ is in respect to:
- powering the the VT132
- serial communications connectivity
- physical format and dimensions
See each section below for details.
# Features
# VT100 Terminal
- fully DEC VT100 Escape Code compatible
- extended escape code support from other DEC VTxxx models
- extended ANSI.SYS escape code support
- detailed in the Programmer Information manual
- 800x600 native resolution over VGA (DB15 connector) - actually 800x300 with scanline doubling
- 800x240 viewport in 24 line (native) mode
- 800x250 viewport in 25 line (enhanced) mode
- 800x300 viewport in 30 line (enhanced) mode (excludes the use of Wi-Fi because of memory constraints)
- 10x10 character cells in 80 column mode
- original DEC VT100 font (ASCII 7-bit) with pixel stretching as per the original VT100 hardware
- original DEC Special Graphics overlay font (inc. line drawing characters)
- original DEC VT220 Multinational Character Set (MCS) font (8-bit)
- DEC National Replacement Character Set (NRCS) support (7-bit) (from VT220)
- implemented for US/UK/French/German/Italian/Swedish, other countries to follow
- PC/VGA Code Page 437 font for ANSI.SYS compatibility
- supports DEC Special Graphics mapping to CP437
- supports NRCS mapping to CP437
- 6x10 character cells in 132 column mode
- modified DEC VT100 font (ASCII 7-bit)
- modified DEC Special Graphics overlay font (inc. line drawing characters)
- modified DEC VT220 Multinational Character Set (MCS) font (8-bit)
- DEC National Replacement Character Set (NRCS) support (from VT220) see above.
- no CP437 support in 132 column mode
- accurate Smooth Scrolling (requires XON/XOFF as per the original VT100 to avoid dropped characters)
- interlace/non-interlace mode (simulated: doubled scanlines are either hidden or drawn)
- implements all VT100 Advanced Video Option (AVO) features
- 132x24 (native), 132x25 & 132x30 (enhanced) character resolution
- additional character attributes - Bold, Blink, Underline, Reverse (and combinations)
- additional character ROM (NRCS and MCS fonts)
- PC 104/105 key keyboard, either one of (you must specify which you want when ordering):
- PS/2 keyboard (Mini-DIN 6, PS/2 connector)
- supports keyboard layouts for US/UK/French/German/Italian/Swedish, other countries to follow
- including dead-key support for composed characters with accent diacritics ` ´ ^ ¨ ~ (MCS 8-bit character set and CP437) - country specific
- supports keyboard layouts for US/UK/French/German/Italian/Swedish, other countries to follow
- USB-HID keyboard (standard USB Type-A socket)
- supports wired and wireless keyboards but not Bluetooth
- does not support use of a USB hub or keyboards with integrated hubs eg. the Raspberry Pi keyboard
- supports keyboard layouts for US/UK/French/German/Italian/Swedish, other countries to follow
- including dead-key support for composed characters with accent diacritics ` ´ ^ ¨ ~ (MCS 8-bit character set and CP437) - country specific
- PS/2 keyboard (Mini-DIN 6, PS/2 connector)
- implements user programmable answer back as per VT100
- implements a physical buzzer on the PCB for
- keyclick
- bell (^G)
- margin bell
- NVRAM error notification
- non-blocking (operates on a timer interrupt and does not block serial communications)
- implements 16 colour support
- complies with ANSI escape code selection
- use selectable default text and background colours via additional Set-up C screen
- user selectable for standard ANSI or VGA colour palette
- implements a scroll history buffer with a 100, 1000 or 5000 line capacity selectable
- activated by LeftAlt-Page Up key-press
- scroll history can be stepped through page-at-a-time (Page Up/Page Down keys)
- or line-by-line (Up/Down keys)
- and can be cleared on demand (Shift-C keys)
- implements a CRT Saver (screen saver) function with 10 second, 1, 5, 10, 20 or 30 minute selectable timeout
- full VT100 style Set-up screen implementation
- activated by Alt-SysReq key-press (usually Alt-PrintScreen)
- Set-up A (native as per VT100 with minor modifications)
- added 'T' command to restore default Tab-Stops (from VT102)
- Set-up B (native as per VT100 with minor modifications)
- added 'C' command to clear NVRAM
- 50/60Hz bit replaced by Backarrow Key Mode selection bit (DECBKM)
- added selection of how Bold font is represented (bright &/or double-thick)
- added selection of ANSI.SYS mode compatibility
- baud rates supported - 300, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200
- fixed serial format 8N1, no current support for 7 bits, parity or 2 stop bits
- Set-up C (enhanced) enables:
- DEC/VT font or CP437 font selection
- 24 line (native) / 25 line / 30 line (enhanced) mode selection for ANSI compatibility
- default foreground text colour selection, 1 of 16 colours
- default background colour selection, 1 of 16 colours
- ANSI or VGA 16 colour palette selection
- Set-up D (enhanced) enables:
- 7-bit ASCII (native) / 8-bit MCS selection (enhanced)
- 7-bit NRCS country selection
- keyboard country/language selection
- personality selection
- personality (escape code and keyboard code translation) support for:
- ANSI/VT100, ADM-3A, ADM-31, Cromemco 3102, Hazeltine 1500, Osborne 1, Kaypro, VT52
- WordStar/VT100 - VT100 terminal with WordStar navigation keys for compatibility with many CP/M applications
- details on the Setup-D screen
- personality (escape code and keyboard code translation) support for:
- all Set-up screens include optional help by pressing 'F1' key (enhanced)
- Quick Menu system (modeled on the VT510 setup menus)
- activated by LeftAlt-Esc key-press
- provides quick access to:
- common actions, eg. clear screen, reset, reboot, clear NVR
- set/manage scroll history buffer and CRT saver functions
- terminal personality selection
- MCS/NRCS mode selection
- macros for ASCII modes including:
- Green/Amber/Blue/White screen emulation
- ANSI.SYS mode compatibility
- keyboard country/language selection
- modem locally connected mode (direct VT100 to modem connection)
- online/local mode selection
- Non-volatile Storage (NVRAM) support for all terminal settings
- save settings function - 'S' in Set-up screens, or from Quick Menu
- restore settings function - 'R' in Set-up screens, or from Quick Menu
- settings are restored on reset and power-up
- a 6-pin FTDI header with dedicated UART for firmware flashing and for debug log monitoring
- full details of configuring the terminal via the Set-up screens is covered in the VT100 Operator Information Manual
# VT132 Designed for RC2104 edition
- connects to the RC2014 over the Tx/Rx lines (Pins 35 & 36) of the RC2014 Bus
- takes power from the bus from Gnd/5V (Pins 17 & 18)
# VT132 Stand Alone edition
- many options for serial communications connectivity, including:
- 3.3V (5V tolerant) TTL level signaling with a 6-pin (straight, FTDI compatible) header
- RS-232/EIA level signaling via an optional MAX3232 level converter
- with a 6-pin (3x2) header
- with an optional DE-9 (Male) edge-mounted connector as DTE
- with an optional DB-25 (Female) edge-mounted connector as DTE
- many options for powering the VT132 Stand Alone edition exist
- 2.0mm DC Barrel Jack for +5VDC (regulated) or +8VDC to +12VDC unregulated
- optional onboard LM7805 to regulate +8VDC to +12VDC unregulated voltages
- +5VDC can be supplied to the VT132 via the 6-pin FTDI programming/debug header
- +5VDC can be supplied to the VT132 via the 6-pin TTL level Terminal header
- +5VDC can be supplied to the VT132 via the 6-pin TTL level Modem header
- +5VDC (regulated) or +8VDC to +12VDC unregulated voltage can be supplied to the VT132 on Pin-9 of any of the RS-232/EIA level connectors (6-pin (3x2) headers DTE/DCE , DE-9 M/F DTE or DB-25 F/M DCE)
- unregulated +8VDC to +12VDC voltages must be regulated by the optional onboard LM7805
- 2.0mm DC Barrel Jack for +5VDC (regulated) or +8VDC to +12VDC unregulated
# Telnet/WiFi 'AT' (Hayes) Modem
- implements a minimal set of 'AT' commands enabling it to behave as a serially connected modem
- supports storing all 'S' register settings in non-volatile storage (NVRAM)
- settings can be restored from NVRAM or restored to 'factory' defaults
- settings are restored from NVRAM on reset and power-up
- support 'DIAL' mode for outbound connections to hosts
- supports 'ANSWER' mode for inbound connections including simulated 'RING' cycle
- does not aim to reproduce every feature and command of any specific Hayes modem
- connects to a WiFi access point over 2.4 GHz (802.11 b/g/n) as a WiFi station (STA mode)
- cannot currently act as a WiFi access point (AP mode) - but this would be possible if it is a feature that people want
- supports Telnet and TCP socket protocols for connecting to hosts
- supports serial baud rates of 4800, 9600, 14400, 19200, 38400, 57600, 1152000 from the UART
- does not currently support 'autobaud'
- but is selected by the 'Prog' press button switch on the PCB
- the chosen speed is stored in NVRAM and persists through resets and power cycling
- does not currently support 'autobaud'
- supports CTS/RTS hardware flow-control
- a full list of the 'AT' command set implemented and details of all the 'S' registers and their use is covered in the 'AT' (Hayes) Serial Modem Operation Manual
# VT132 Designed for RC2104 edition
- connects to the RC2014 over the Tx2/Rx2 lines (Pins 35 & 36) of the RC2014 Enhanced Bus
- takes power from the bus from Gnd/5V (Pins 17 & 18)
- compatible with all the speeds of the RC2014 Dual Serial Module SIO/2 or similar
- CTS/RTS hardware flow-control over a 6-pin modified FTDI style modem header (not the RC2014 Enhanced Bus)
- making it compatible with the SC104 Z80 SIO/2 Module with CTS/RTS flow-control
# VT132 Stand Alone edition
- many options for serial communications connectivity, including:
- 3.3V (5V tolerant) TTL level signaling with a 6-pin (straight, modified FTDI) header
- RS-232/EIA level signaling via an optional MAX3232 level converter
- with a 6-pin (3x2) header
- with an optional DE-9 (Female) edge-mounted connector as DCE
- with an optional DB-25 (Male) edge-mounted connector as DCE
- many options for powering the VT132 Stand Alone edition exist see above
# Over-the-Air (OTA) Firmware Updates
- Firmware updates are hosted on GitHub
- The current production firmware can always be found at github.com/thehighnibble/vt132/releases/latest
- OTA Updates can be performed directly from the VT132 over Wi-Fi with only power, a VGA monitor and keyboard connected, no connected host (eg. RC2014 or PC) is required
The process for OTA Updates is covered in the OTA Firmware Update Guide
# Availability
# VT132 Designed for RC2104 edition
The VT132 Designed for RC2104 edition is currently available (since July 2020) and has a price of USD$50 for the the model with PS/2 keyboard support. In addition to this you must pay for shipping and any transaction fees. Payment is via PayPal.
# VT132 Stand Alone edition
The VT132 Stand Alone edition is now also available (since October 2020) and is also priced at USD$50 for the base model. In addition to this you must pay for shipping and any transaction fees. Payment is via PayPal.
- the base model has PS/2 keyboard support
- comes with the DC barrel jack and an LM7805 linear power regulator (and associated capacitors)
- includes headers for the TTL level Terminal and Modem connectors
- but does not come with the MAX3232 level converter ICs and sockets, supporting capacitors or RS-232 EIA DTE/DCE (DB25, DE9) connectors
- these parts are readily sourced from electronics suppliers such as Mouser, DigiKey & LCSC or other high street electronics stores eg. in Australia: Jaycar
# USB-HID keyboard support
The USB-HID keyboard support is priced as an option at an additional USD$5 owing to the extra parts (daughter PCB, CH559 microcontroller & USB Type-A socket).
# To Order
When ordering, please specify both:
- which edition you require: ie.
- Designed for RC2014, or
- Stand Alone
- which keyboard support you require: ie.
- PS/2 connector based keyboard, or
- USB Type-A, USB-HID based keyboard
I am accepting orders via email. If you send email to info@thehighnibble.com with your choice of configuration, shipping name & address, I will respond to you with a PayPal invoice with the total price including shipping and transaction fees.
Please only pay against the PayPal invoice when I send it to you. Do not try to pay directly to me via PayPal as this will only delay your order.
# Specifications
# Dimensions (built)
# Designed for RC2104 edition
- Designed for RC2014
- Conforms to standard RC2014 card dimensions
# Stand Alone edition
# PCB dimensions
3 3/8" x 3 3/8"
85mm x 85mm
# VESA Mounting
M4 holes (1 in each corner of the PCB)
at 75mm centers
# Weight (built)
0.1 lbs
0.045 kg
# Power
# Designed for RC2104 edition
5VDC @ 500 mA (max., < 100mA typical) - Powered from RC2014 Bus or via FTDI or Modem connectors (jumper selectable).
# Stand Alone edition
# Dimensions (boxed/shipped)
7 1/2" x 5.5" x 2"
190mm x 140mm x 50mm
(width x height x depth)
# Weight (boxed/shipped)
less than 0.44 lbs
less than 0.2 kg